a tough and resilient town

a tough and resilient town

a tough and resilient town is written in honor of the city of Boston, Massachusetts and the victims of the 2013 bombing at the Boston Marathon finish line. The work is challenging, moving, and ultimately uplifting. The first movement depicts the celebratory morning of the race. The second movement depicts the shock of disbelief in the moments immediately following the explosion that killed three and wounded more that 260. The third movement honors the fierce will and determination of the people of Boston as they fought to reclaim their city and as they worked together in the aftermath of the bombing.

This 13 minute work for flute quartet includes piccolo in the first flute part and alto flute in the fourth flute part. It is ideal for professional, college, or advanced high school performers.

  1. sunrise on Patriots’ Day

  2. an unnatural silence

  3. a public test of private will: Toccata and Chorale


Flute 1 (doubles piccolo)
Flute 2
Flute 3
Flute 4 (doubles alto flute)


13 minutes


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$31.75 plus shipping